AirTV is committed to enhancing the customer experience for all users, including people with disabilities. In compliance with the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA), the following AirTV consumer electronic products manufactured beginning December 20, 2016 are equipped with accessibility features for people with vision and hearing impairments: AirTV ™ Player and AirTV ™ Adapter.
Start here to learn how to access the accessibility settings menus on your AirTV Player.
Configure closed-caption display options and view customizable closed captioning during programs that you watch. Please note that closed captioning may not be available for all programs.
Hear on-screen menus and text read aloud from an audible speech track.
Enlarge the size of all on-screen menus and text to different percentages, making for easier reading without the use of an audio aid.
Make on-screen reading easier by having white text appear with a black outline.